Every designer’s goal should be to prove how their designs, big or small, contribute as returns for their business. Whether a project is focusing on functionality or delight, this is always our mission because it validates that design can be a differentiator and that we, individually, are experts of that differentiation.
Prototyping Hifi vs Good Enough Animations
This week I’ve spent a lot of time focusing on animating certain moments and interactions for my company’s website. I sketched lots of variations with arrows, moving lines this way and that, taking some of the better ideas into sketch for prototyping purposes. The idea of going beyond paper with animations is important because it gives me…
Habit or Addiction
One vs Two vs Many Designers
Working in a big company can make me feel like I am a lone designer. That isn’t to say that I am the only designer or that I have no design support. Rather, I get put into the situation a lot where, because I am embedded on my sprint teams, I have a specific set of work I need to get done in a given period of time. When paired with everyone else...